Cream of the Crop Ice Cream Shop is located in the village of Wakeman, Ohio. It is owned and operated by Keely Krumwiede, former elementary and music teacher who was looking for a project she could really enjoy during retirement. Remembering how much she loved her first job at a local soft serve stand back in the 80’s and recognizing the need for a quality ice cream shop in Wakeman, she opened the business in May 2020 with the support of her husband, John, and family (after she convinced them she wasn’t crazy).
While the shop initially featured Nuhfer’s premium hand scooped ice cream and Toft’s premium soft serve, Nuhfers stopped their production at the end of 2021. The Krumwiede family bought their ice cream machine, and undertook the task of making their own small batch premium ice cream in a newly constructed dairy processing barn at their family farm just outside of Wakeman the following year. The ice cream is also named Cream of the Crop and is now available in many of their 20+ flavors in pints, quarts and half gallons.
Our ice cream is made using a 15% butterfat mix for a creamier, richer, and more delicious product. This greatly exceeds the minimum requirement of 10% in order to legally be called ice cream, and you will be able to tell by the taste and texture that it is far superior to anything labeled “frozen dairy dessert”.
By making small batches, we are able to mix ingredients more uniformly, and ensure every container or scoop is as delicious as the next. Small batches also open the door to frequent experiments with new flavors and ingredients, even custom flavors upon request.
Cream of the Crop Ice Cream Shop is located at 18 Pleasant Street in the middle of Wakeman, Ohio. It is small, but busy, and attracts people from many surrounding towns. We employ 9-10 local students as Scoopers.
Our ice cream production facility is located 4 ½ miles north of town at the Krumwiede family farm. We make ice cream several times a week, employing two to three part-time workers that lovingly produce our small batches, one flavor at a time. They also contribute with flavor development and marketing.